The Art of

Romancing Grief

The Alchemy of Heartbreak -
A Sacred Seduction

I lived the profound rupture of my heart, and emerged transformed in the wholeness of my grief and love. We all experience heartbreak and sorrow. The way we come back from it, is the romance.

Together we will explore how Romancing Grief can become a Sacred Seductive Adventure of healing.

Together we will explore how
Romancing Grief can become a
Sacred Seductive Adventure of healing.

Has your grief eclipsed your relationships, sexuality and passion?

Would you like to:

romancing grief programs

Do you feel:

These are unresolved feelings of loss and grief.

When you join the Sacred Seductive Journey of Romancing Grief you will:

Are you being torn apart by the polarities inherent in grief?

On the Romancing Grief journey you will:

Are you:

These are unresolved feelings of loss and grief.

When you journey with Romancing Grief you will:

When you work with me I will help you:

We begin with seeing what is,
then we can tend to Romancing Grief.

I help men and women who are seeking soulful meaning, are initiated by mid-life and living with heartbreak, find significance and inner peace as they discover how to Romance Grief. I work with men and women challenged by double-bind situations and need to make difficult decisions, resulting in grief, sorrow, or shame.

What participants are saying about their journey with
The Art of Romancing Grief - The Alchemy of Heartbreak

“I highly encourage working with Kerani Marie Lomonaco, she is a great spiritual mentor who helps you discover the deep depths of your soul. I have shared a connection with some incredibly courageous loving groups. This one made an impression on my soul that will last a lifetime. The weekly sessions and curriculum deeply touched me. I would highly recommend this to anyone who would like to learn the grace of romancing grief. Thank you, Kerani Marie, for sharing your heart and passion for healing.”

- Barbara Beard-Bollinger, Northern California

“My heart has felt the comfort of knowing that I can allow grief to come alongside me with love and grace and it is no longer fearful. I was afraid to allow myself to feel grief. Kerani Marie, you've helped me and I’ve been blessed.”

- Carrie, Southern California

We will explore and put into practice
3 layers of Romancing Grief.

You will receive practices and exercises for self-inquiry, active imagination, creative expression and rituals to support your process through the layers.

Layer 1

layer one

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~ Maya Angelou

In Layer 1 of Romancing Grief, you will be guided to identify and express your areas of loss resulting in grief and heartache. Reflect on how the collapse of your world created the need to re-orient to an unknown life ahead of you. You will be witnessed and held in a safe and supportive community of women.

There are many circumstances and layers of heartbreak from the loss of:

Layer 2

layer two

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go."
~ Jamie Anderson

In Layer 2 of Romancing Grief, we will explore the mind, body, soul connection to understand and discover the effects of grief on your body.

Layer 3

winter program

“We are most alive at the threshold between loss and revelation.”
~ Francis Weller

In Layer 3 of Romancing Grief, we will arouse the love and begin tending to your grief; court the heart and soul and honor your intimate journey of transformation.

This is where alchemy begins. A master alchemist allows all feelings to be accepted and they become the elements for something new to emerge. You will learn how your life can become a living ritual.

There is a powerful life force living within Grief and Romance.

We are living in a time of heartache and loss, a collective grief permeates every cell in our bodies. Join me and explore the three layers of Romancing Grief, a Sacred, Seductive Adventure of Healing.

Deep sorrow and heartbreak shake us to our core.

A profound rupture exposes our bleeding heart, while grief brings us face to face with what is real and essential.

We are initiated as our soul cry washes away the superficial layers of image, identity, dreams and projections.

We are stripped naked, dismembered and stand in the rawness of pure experience.

Then Illuminated by the cauldron’s fire, the alchemy begins.

The dance between Grief and Love creates a new song.

Weaving a warm blanket to comfort our quaking and transformation.

       Kerani Marie 8/8/20

Kerani Marie Lomonaco

kerani marie

Kerani Marie is an inner-wisdom guide for women on the sacred feminine journey. With over 45 years of immersion in multicultural spiritual teachings and healing practices, her wisdom is informed by direct experience with spiritual and healing crises.

Kerani Marie’s authentic heart inspires the conscious emergence of souls through her writings, art, ceremonies, retreats, and rituals. She is a Craniosacral Practitioner and Reiki Master in 2 lineages. She founded The Center for Living Wisdom, SoWISE Creations and The Soulgazm Rendezvous.

Kerani Marie officiates at weddings, births, deaths, and Rites of Passage celebrations as a non-denominational ordained minister and spiritual friend.

She is the author of the Cycle of Life Journey and Emerging Woman, A Rite of Passage from Shame to Freedom. She currently lives in Sedona AZ.

Request a complimentary information session
to learn more about the Romancing Grief program.

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