Ignite Your Soul  &  Creative Impulse

Through Kerani Marie's Offerings:

The Underworld Womb Temple
SoWISE Creations: Bring Your Story to Life
Romancing Grief: The Alchemy of Heartbreak
Mystical Artistry
Emerging Woman: A Rite of Passage

The Underworld Womb Temple

The Underworld Womb Temple is a sacred healing container to
explore the Unknown, discover your inner healer,
embody your soulful essence, and express your true self.

The Underworld Womb Temple is a sacred healing container to explore the Unknown, discover your inner healer, embody your soulful essence, and express your true self.

» explore the Underworld Womb Temple

SoWISE Creations:
Bring Your Story to Life

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

~ Maya Angelou

Let us bring your book to life

» receive a complimentary consultation

Romancing Grief:
The Alchemy of Heartbreak

I lived the profound rupture of my heart,
and emerged transformed in the wholeness of my grief and love.
We all experience heartbreak and sorrow.
The way we come back from it,
is the romance.

Together we will explore how Romancing Grief can become
a Sacred Seductive Adventure of healing.

I lived the profound rupture of my heart, and emerged transformed in the wholeness of my grief and love. We all experience heartbreak and sorrow. The way we come back from it, is the romance.

Together we will explore how Romancing Grief can become a Sacred Seductive Adventure of healing.

» explore the Art of Romancing Grief

Mystical Artistry

Art to inspire a sense of mystery through the union of art and soul.

» visit Kerani Marie's art gallery

Emerging Woman:
A Rite of Passage from Shame to Freedom

Available now in softcover, e-book, and audiobook.

Come sit with me by the fire and listen
as I share Sophia and Anna’s journey.

Come sit with me by the fire and listen as I share Sophia and Anna’s journey.

emerging woman

Painting by Kerani Marie
Visit Kerani’s Gallery

Audio introduction to Emerging Woman:

emerging woman front cover

Emerging Woman is a novel inspired by visions and dreams. Twenty years ago a vision from Grandmother Spirit enlivened the landscape of this story. Slowly, the layers and mystery were revealed, the characters emerged and each took their place as archetypal reflections of our shared stories and struggles in the pursuit of freedom.

Grandmother Spirit, the Soul Whisperer awaits the women’s arrival in the red-rock Canyonlands of Southern Utah. Here, her heart is at peace, Old memories are awakening as she ceremonially prepares to tell a story.

Sophia is off on a whirlwind odyssey through the back pages of her own life after a vision quest reveals a long-buried secret.

As the storms of life toss her in and out of the arms of grace, Sophia discovers and nurtures an inherent determination to find spiritual meaning in every challenge along the way, even at the edge of death.

Anna is an unwilling passenger on this wild ride, holding on for dear life through a 50-year-long rite of passage from shame to freedom.

Overlaid with the gauze of dreams and clarified by flashes of grace, Grandmother Spirit’s story is told as it came to pass both in our tangible world and in the world of reflections and alternate possibilities.

» purchase the book